Monday, February 9, 2009


Meaningful Beauty
is not so beautiful...

I was very excited Cindy Crawford came out with this line and also very anxious to try it out. I am not a fan of anything that contains parabens or propylene, but I decided to give it a go anyway. After all, it has melon extract! How Food Meets Beauty! I love Cindy and now that she has become an industry in her own right, I was praying her products would have the answer to my aging skin. She has been in the beauty business forever! “Beautiful skin shouldn’t have to cost a fortune,” she says, “and every woman should feel that she is the best she can be, every day.”

Well, I am sad to say, Cindy and Dr. Sebagh, that these products are, unfortunately, not for everyone. To tell you the truth, I am horrified! So, let's keep the melon where it belongs —in your mouth!

To begin, I used the Meaningful Beauty Cleanse. It's supposed to be a non-irritating formula that won't strip your skin of essential oils. Then I moved on to Maintenance 1 Day Cream, along with the revitalizing Eye Cream. With in 15 minutes I could feel the softening of my skin. I was thrilled! Then all of a sudden I had an itching sensation in different areas of my face and neck. It wasn't too bad, but I knew something wasn't right. I continued in the evening with Maintenance 2 Night Fluide, the FREE with purchase Décolleté Neck Cream and Glowing Serum. At 3:00 a.m. I woke up with welts all over my face and neck, and itching like crazy! It continued to do this for two days until my face started peeling. My face was bright red and burned, my skin was sore and hurt when touched. In fact, it took a layer of my skin off. I have had small allergic reactions to beauty products here and there, but nothing like this! Use these products at your own risk.


  1. I am so glad that I didn't buy this product last month. I was going to but decided to wait. I am horrified to hear what happened to you! That is just awful. I'm thinking since we are sisters, maybe I shouldn't try it. I don't really want to risk it happening to me too! Thanks for the post, Dom, good lookin' out! Keep up the great work! I love your page...can't wait to see more! I love you!

  2. I think Cindy Crawford is fabulous and yes she is an indusry in her own right.I met and worked with her years ago before the make up artists had their way with her.I am here to tell you she was blessed with flawless,and in my opinion,easy to care for skin.
    For the other 85% of us that need to work toward flawless skin,there are MUCH better products out there.
    My background as a model, make-up artist, aesthetician and spa owner. Has given me great insight into the skins function,reaction or lack there of.
    The key ingredients which separate product lines,natural or synthetic, need to be factored into what you are specifically trying to achieve for your skin.
    In this case, is "melon extract" the anti- aging miracle?
    I would say no.Not even close.
    Needless to say, I would not waste my money on her product line.Unless of course you are one of the lucky 15% out there with perfect skin, but then why would you need it?

  3. Well, Cindy also confesses to getting regular microdermabrasion therapy. I am sure it helps.


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